OT Much to be Thankful For
Harry Krause wrote:
*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message
*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message
*JimH* wrote:
wrote in message
Sir Rodney Smithers wrote:
It is the name Atl_Man uses for his Yahoo Email Address
Heehee!! So stupid....and so wrong...
They probably do, but my wife doesn't call me him!
So your mother calls you Kevin but your wife doesn't? I bet she
some sweet nickname like 'pothead'.
How was your marijuana crop this year Kevin?
What a childish piece of **** you are. Truly Jim, you are useless as a
human being. Just so you understand, you nasty little poodle of a
human, my mother is dead, and if you keep THAT **** up, next time I'm
in Cleveland, I'll look you up no matter what little pussy excuse
you'll come up with. You are nothing short of a lying, no good, piece
of ****. You whine like a little ****ing baby when someone mentions
your wife, and your lack of a boat, but find it quite acceptable to
bring someone's mother into the fray. **** you. Remember this if I
bring your wife into a conversation, okay, asshole? Don't whine when
someone does that, got it? What a spineless little asshole you are.
Just a childish little **** head. Is your wife the same way?
So how is your karate going? It looks like you missed the class
where the
philosophy of the martial arts was discussed.
Just great, thanks! Apparently the only thing you know about Karate is
what you've seen to TV. Too bad. If you knew anything at all about the
subject, I'd be happy to discuss with you. Now, you are still a low
life piece of crap, get it?
The way you act here shows you are the one who hasn't a clue about the
true philosophy of the martial arts.
So when are you coming over to break my pencil neck and kick my ass
Kevin? Will you be stopping over at NOYB's first to do the same, or
after you are done with me?
I thought you were going to fall off your moped and break your pencil
neck all by yourself...? No?
He'll probably re-organize his 'Search & Destroy' gang to ward off any