10 Deadliest Sharks
First off the dog was in no danger. Cudas do not attack anything they can't
eat unless it's a mistake. Dogs are not a food trigger since they don't fall
into the menu...which is fish. You are perfectly safe in the water with even
a 6 foot Cuda..... just don't wear shiny stuff.
Same goes for Tiger, Hammerhead and Lemon Sharks... I swam in water that was
full of them.... never even paid me any attention.
....and many times with sharks around I was actively spearfishing.
"Maxprop" wrote in message
We watched with fascination--we were moored at the Indians about 30 yards
off the stern of the catamaran--because the pooch slipped from time to
time and almost fell in. The barracuda swam just below the surface
(unusual, I suppose), angled up toward the dog. He knew a tasty treat
when he saw it. We didn't want the dog to become a 'cuda snack, but we
would have been powerless to do anything about it if he'd fallen in. I
think we assumed the owners to be idiots for letting him bark loudly in a
quiet anchorage/mooring field, and would deserve what they got if the dog
went over.