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Default 10 Deadliest Sharks

"Capt.Mooron" wrote in message
First off the dog was in no danger. Cudas do not attack anything they
can't eat unless it's a mistake. Dogs are not a food trigger since they
don't fall into the menu...which is fish. You are perfectly safe in the
water with even a 6 foot Cuda..... just don't wear shiny stuff.

Maybe the cuda was hawking the dog's shiny tag or something. If the fish
didn't find something of interest in the dog, I seriously doubt it would
have been hovering just under the surface off the stern of the cat.

Same goes for Tiger, Hammerhead and Lemon Sharks... I swam in water that
was full of them.... never even paid me any attention.

Are you a lawyer? That would explain it.

...and many times with sharks around I was actively spearfishing.

If they'd gotten a whiff of the blood from your speared fish, they'd have
taken notice. Ever seen a feeding frenzy up close and personal?
