Xmas gift ideas for boaters?
In article . com,
"kellyinitalia" wrote:
My husband and I recently purchased our first boat - a 24' Maxum
cruiser - and now we're boat crazy. I'd love to get him something
boat-related as a Xmas gift, but since we're so new to boating, I have
no clue what to get! Any ideas?
You don't tell us what he or the boat has, his experience level or your
The list is endless.
If he doesn't have a chart plotting GPS, it sure makes cruising a dream.
If he doesn't have a knife that can cut through fouled props quickly, he
if he doesn't have Maui Jim Titanium sunglasses he isn't cool.
If he doesn't have great foul weather gear for the climate in which you
cruise, he be all wet.
If you have a cheap, ineffective, come with the boat anchor and rode, I
hope you don't plan to trust your life some night to it.
If he hasn't passed the Power Squadron course your life might be in
danger so signing him up may be the best present for the two of you.
The more you share, the many more knowledgable folks in this NG can help.
To respond, obviously drop the "nospan"?