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Jonathan Ganz
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Default 10 Deadliest Sharks

In article . net,
Maxprop wrote:
We did a shark dive (with experienced guides, etc.) in the Bahamas some
years back. Let me tell you it was terrifying, all those monsters darting
around at top speed when they released the chum and feed fish. Why one or
more of us didn't get at least hit by accident is a mystery to me. Perhaps
we gave off a smell or electrical sensation that didn't appeal to the
sharks, or maybe they see better than reported. But it was something I
wouldn't repeat on a bet.

I did one of those hang off the side of the boat while someone feeds
the sharks in Tahiti thing. I was totally streched out, holding onto
the side of the boat with my feet (they said we had to stay attached
to the boat), because I wanted to get some close up pics of the sharks
feeding. It wasn't scary at all. Several passed within a couple of
feet of me, and were totally uninterested. All they wanted was the
"j" ganz @@