Note the condition of this 15 year old boat. Looks essentially
untouched. The PO redid the steps so they'd be easier to see at night
(awgripped white or whatever) and also are lit. He's 73 and doesn't see
well at night.
I plan to redo the electonics layout. Note the retractable nav station
(in the retracted position works fine, but pull out for huge chart
sized area). It's also hinged with storage below and the whole cabinet
opens for additional storage. Chart stowage is to starboard (not shown)
nav seat.
The shades are built into the handrail and retract (yep, again!) into
the hand rail. The switches below the step activate a fuel pump and a
series of 4 amber LED floor lights for night sailing. Door leads to the
head, which also appears to have had rare use. All of the doors have
frames and close perfectly, very closely fit. Nice.