On Sun, 04 Dec 2005 16:05:03 -0500, Harry Krause
John H. wrote:
On Sun, 04 Dec 2005 13:39:08 -0500, Harry Krause
John H. wrote:
On Sun, 04 Dec 2005 11:58:43 -0500, Harry Krause
Harry Krause wrote:
Support our troops in Iraq: bring them home.
I'm less than completely convinced. Did you notice the peace symbol
between the front door and the window to the right? I would struggle to
form an image of JimH as a closet hippie. Sorry.
I saw that. If I could find a large enough one, I'd put something
similar on my lawn for the season.
Isn't it amazing that "the phrase" of Christmas, "Peace on Earth and
Good Will Towards Men," is a concept so despised by the righties?
Isn't it a shame that the word "Christmas" is so despised by the
John H
Your absurdity and senility seem to be rising, Herring. Your entire life
here seems to consist of posting one straw man fallacy after another.
I know lots of "lefties." I don't know any who "despise" the word
Christmas. Some of us lefties, though, dislike the involvement of the
government in furthering a religion, *any* religion.
As I have oft posted: this is America; keep your stinking religion out
of my state. What you do in your home or in your church or in your
church-related schools is the business of you and your co-religionists,
but please don't try to shovel those activities or beliefs onto the rest
of us through governmental action.
And, by the way, for any rightie to profess belief in the teachings of
Jesus is the height of hypocrisy.
Fits you like a glove, eh?
Is my 'stinking religion' the same one responsible for the solemn high
mass you're attending Christmas day?
I dunno, John. I don't have any idea of which sect of Christianity you
claim you follow. I doubt if it is Catholic, though. You're too much the
war-monger for that.
Apparently you've not been watching the news lately. Don't you know
that use of the word "Christmas" is no longer the politically correct
thing to do?
I hadn't noticed. Most everyone I know refers to the day as Christmas Day.
No, Harry, we *both* share the same "stinking" (in your words)
religion! Isn't that great!
So next time you're calling people vile names, spewing your
invectives, or telling lies about someone, keep your Catholic
upbringing in mind.
John H
Wishing you peace and fellowship on the Christmas Holy Day as we celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.