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Lars Johansson
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Default AIS on a sailboat

"Larry" wrote in message
"Børge Wedel Müller" wrote in news:4392f876$0

Could you "kick-start" me on the subject?

Look at the Google cache for the posts.

The sooner AIS is in all boats that can't turn quickly and must be in a
channel, the better.

This idea isn't "new". Ham radio operators have been using a GPS to VHF
or HF link called APRS, which is a much simpler protocol, for many years.

It was invented by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, at the US Naval Academy to track
lost midshipmen in the Academy's small boats. Let's you watch APRS from the internet

But, of course, this would be too cheap to put in a boat, no matter how
well it works. We have to have some outrageously-expensive, proprietary
system controlled by some patent holders, which really slows
implementation and leaves most small boaters unable to afford the

If I remember correctly the AIS inventor , Håkan Lans, was forced to give up
his patent rights to get the system into the standards. I might be mixing it
it up with the corresponding system and standards for air traffic.
/Lars J