Isn't sailing supposed to be fun?
"A word about performance and weight on the PDQ 36. We chartered a 1998
model in Florida from FYC for two weeks. Once loaded down with the 3
adults and 1 child along with our supplies the impressive speed we
noted previously was cut by a large margin. The boat was very slow to
tack, much slower off the wind and poor upwind. Other PDQ owners noted
this and of course it's a well known foible of the design, but I was
not prepared to due so much powersailing in anything below 10 knots of
air. A year earlier we had chartered a Catalina 400, loaded down with 4
of us again and the boat hardly seemed to notice the weight. I feel
that PDQ's performance claims reflect a bare boat and not the real
world. Well off the wind and in 17 knots of breeze we were still able
to touch 10 knots, which is certainly impressive on it's own. But on
the whole, as a sailing experience for our family, we find monohulls
more satisfying. Our 8 year old loved the PDQ when she saw it, but
under sail her enthusiasm faded as the boat was essentially a floating
home with virtually no fun-factor under sail. At anchor was another
matter as no 36 foot and few 40 foot monhulls will be as comfortable.
So in the end I think it's best to ask yourself: Do you want to sail
for the sake of travel and comfort or for the sailing experience
itself? For the latter, the PDQ 36 came up short. "
35s5...a damn fun boat!