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Bob Crantz
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Default Boulevard Cars Lack Active Safety Features

For your edification:

"The rear spoiler can reduce flow separation at the rear window, which
reduces drag. It also increases air flow under the body, which promotes
downforce at the rear of the car. "

Note: This is the force of the air on the entire top surface of the car, not
any downward force of the spoiler.

The following is from, for dummies like you. They make a clear
distinction between a spoiler and a wing. You seem to lack the knowledge of
that distinction, so read on:

The ubiquitous spoiler is the little flap or raised protrusion on the rear
decklids of coupes and sedans, or on the upper edge of the rear gate on
hatchbacks. Although the spoiler is often a cosmetic upgrade designed to
tell the world that your car is "sporty," it also has a very specific role
in aerodynamics.

As the name implies, this device spoils the airflow over the top half of the
car at the trailing edge of the car's upper surface. The spoiler can keep
airflow from tumbling and creating a swirling vortex behind the car. This is
important for a couple of reasons - without a spoiler, swirling air behind
the car can create both

Drag (which can keep the car from moving forward as quickly as possible).
Drag is expressed as a numeric coefficient of wind resistance.
Lift (which reduces the car's grip on the road at speed)

So we all see that cars for Dummies is an advanced text for you, providing
insight and knowledge that you didn't have before!


Is all you know just hype and myth?

Please, someday show otherwise!

The Bobfish fileted, roasted and skewered!
