Are these Jim's Xmas decorations?
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John H. wrote:
Did you see where Jerry Falwell is threatening to file suit against
companies or oganizations who sponsor "holiday" parties? He says that
calling the office drunk fest and butt-goosing extravaganza
a "holiday" party improperly removes Christ from Christmas. Who would
have known?
That does it. I wasn't sure if I was going to the office holiday party this
Friday. Now I have to go. And to honor JF I'm going to get good and drunk
and goose a few coworkers butts extravagantly.
And to make it even more in honor of JF, I work in San Francisco where my
coworkers are hetero americans, gay americans, catholic americans,
protestant americans, jewish americans, buddhist americans, hindu americans,
muslim americans, white americans, black americans, etc. Did I leave anyone
I can guarantee we're leaving Christ out of our holiday party. It's not a
church party; it's an office party. Still, it doesn't mean that those of us
who are Christian's are leaving the teachings of Christ out of our lives.
Besides, isn't Christ the same guy who turned water into wine? To make it a
boat thread, Drink up me hearties, yo ho!