OT posting
"Parallax" wrote in message
Those of us who are really interested in other ppls ideas concerning
boating find OT posts annoying as they are a waste of our time making
it difficult to see the relevant posts amid the "noise". Responding
to off topic posts, other than to point out that the post belongs
elsewhere simply encourages more off topic posts. Some ppl respond
that we should simply learn to "not see" OT posts but by this logic we
should have no NG categories and all posts should be lumped together
with no attempt to sort them by topic.
When ppl post OT, they reveal themselves to be incapable of the normal
sorting process performed by intelligent beings thus making anything
they say suspect. If a person reveals themselves incapable of a
minimal level of intelligence, why would you consider anything they
say as being more than random noise? OT posters remind me of a
schizophrenic aquiantance who spews random thoughts, the thoughts may
be internally self consistent but are unrelated to reality. Is OT
posting a symptom of such thinking?
The best way to discourage OT posts is not to respond the their OT
discussion but to politely remind them that there is a more
appropriate forum for their "thoughts".
Unbelievable. Where do you come off with this lecture?
You have certainly offered a good share of OT posts in the past couple of
I guess this is a case of do as I say. LOL!