Bush Stays the Course
A tad over 2000 years ago Julius Caesar, fresh from conquering Gaul (France)
built a bridge across the Rhine and attached a nearby German village. The
Germans came out to fight but were seriously outnumbered and, since they
fought to the death, were eventually all killed - but not before taking a
good portion of Caesar's crack veterans with them. Then the women appeared
and also fought til they were all killed, killing even more Romans. And when
they entered the village expecting plunder and slaves the Romans found every
child dead and everything of value destroyed. Caesar wasn't stupid enough
to waste valuble lives for nothing. He retreated back across the Rhine and
burned his bridge behind him.
A later emporer wasn't as smart. He sent several legions of troops into
Germany, where they disappeared without a trace. Until recently, military
historians counted that the greates blunder in history.
Then GW Bush invaded Iraq to depose the strongest bulwark against his real
enemies in the region ......