OT posting
"Parallax" wrote in message
1: I find some of the OT stuff interesting.
2: I find the OT stuff much more interesting and acceptable
that all the posts and people that whine and complain about
how others act.
Some ppl respond
that we should simply learn to "not see" OT posts but by this logic we
should have no NG categories and all posts should be lumped together
with no attempt to sort them by topic.
Not at all. This is primarialy a boating newsgroup. Boating is the thread
holds us all together and that most people here have in common. It's not at
all like having one huge newsgroup. Your logic is flawed.
When ppl post OT, they reveal themselves to be incapable of the normal
sorting process performed by intelligent beings thus making anything
they say suspect.
Again your logic is flawed. When people post off topic what they reveal is
that they do not agree with you that off topic posting is wrong. Personally,
I think a certain amount of OT posting is not only OK but makes the group
more interesting. I do agree that excessive off topic posting or people that
ONLY post off topic and add NO boating posts is wrong. But I don't expect
everyone to agree with me. ~~ It does not logically follow that someone
that posts off topic is intellectually suspect or that they are
Actually, some of the people that post off topic quite a lot also add some
really great boating related stories and information.
The best way to discourage OT posts is not to respond the their OT
What is the best why for us to discourage your whining?