On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 08:04:10 -0500, Harry Krause wrote:
John H. wrote:
On 8 Dec 2005 19:08:04 -0800, wrote:
This episode really does make me feel safer flying. At least we know
there really are sky marshalls who can act quickly to such a threat.
Its too bad the guy is dead but the sky marshalls did exactly as they
were supposed to do. They should get medals.
John H
They should get medals for shooting and killing a mentally ill person,
In my opinion, *any* suicide bomber is mentally ill. Should they be given psychiatric treatment
before or after they reach for the switch?
Tell us about the solemn high mass you're attending on Christmas day, Harry.
John H
Wishing you Peace, Fellowship, and Good Humor as we celebrate the birth of OUR Lord, Jesus Christ on the Christmas Holy Day.