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Bill McKee
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Default Eyewitness: "I Never Heard the Word 'Bomb'"

wrote in message
Can't help jumping in. If he were really intent on killing anybody,
wouldn't his actions
include having a bomb or some kind of weapon?

Seems to me you could say, his actions indicated he either wanted to
scare people,
or was just basically crazy or troubled (off his meds like the wife
said). Mabye the case
could be made that the killing was justified in the name of pragmatism,
but to say that this
guy "deserved" to die seems like a real stretch.


He very much could have had a bomb. Just not able to fire it off. Same as
the guy trying to light the fuse on the shoe bomb. Nuts or not, if you make
a statement that you have a bomb, while on an airplane or public area with
lots of people, I would not fault anybody from shooting the guy in the head,
and killing him very quickly. That includes those with Concealed Carry
permits. Just make sure there are witnesses to the bomb statement.