Eyewitness: "I Never Heard the Word 'Bomb'"
Harry Krause wrote:
I'm not anti-handgun.
Not true!
I used to be totally against private ownership of handguns, but
unlike your president, I am capable of learning
He shows no sign of such learnin.
I am still, however, opposed to private citizens
owning fully auto handguns or rifles.
That is a position taken from ignorance. Collectors and hobbyists take
great pride in their ownership of Thompsons, MG-38s, MG-42s, Brownings
and Maxims. They make great investments. Americans have always had the
right to keep and bear arms...and the rad left is always trying to take
that right away and further weaken America.
I prefer shotguns for home defense. I've shot firearms for fun
most of my life, mostly shotguns.
Most of your life, huh? And you don't know your sporting clays average
or rating?