OT Florida Eminent Domain Laws
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OT Florida Eminent Domain Laws
P Fritz wrote:
"Shortwave Sportfishing" wrote in message
On 9 Dec 2005 09:25:19 -0800,
Hey Bassy,
It was the Democratic City Council in New London, CT who turned all
eminent domain decisions to a PRIVATE developer - the New London
Development Corporation who immediately started proceedings against
people in the Fort Trumbull neighborhood which ultimately led to the
Kelo decision by the USSC. Let me spell it out for you - D E M O C R
A T S sold out to the evil P R I V A T E interests in New London which
made all this possible.
The implications of this immediately went nation wide. And it was all
the fault of a DEMOCRAT controlled City Council.
Let me be sure you understand - D E M O C R A T S...
I had to go look up what kevin was posting, and as usual, he shoots
himself in the foot once again.
It is a D E M O C R A T mayor Michael Brown who is pushing the seizure of
private property, and very likely in violation of the restrictive state law
passed after the SCOTUS decision
And Kevin wonders why he is the "King of the NG idiots" ????
IT's a REPUBLICAN law, in the STATE OF FLORIDA, you dip****!!!!
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