Better *Defensive* Handgun
It is interesting to note that while Skipper is recommending use a gun with
a laser weapon so he does not have to shot the perp. Harry recommends a gun
that will allow him to easily place multiple bullets into the perp.
Harry, after you shot him with the 17 rounds, I recommend you bring him
outside and run him over with the truck.
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Skipper wrote:
Harry Krause wrote:
So, which is the better *defensive* handgun, a S&W .357 mag fitted with
laser grips or a Glock auto?
I'd take a Glock 34 any day over that wheelgun. Fully legal mag on the
Glock holds 17 rounds, standard barrel is 5" long, and if you need them,
lasergrips are available. Oh, and my guess is the semi-auto mechanism is
inherently more accurate than the wheelgun's.
You have a single or double action wheelgun? If double, you keep a
chamber empty for safety's sake? If so, that means the G34 mag holds
more than three times the number of rounds.
Any auto is inherently dangerous for the occasional user *particularly*
in a stressful situation. The double action is much safer. Further, the
persuasive nature of the laser cannot be underestimated to defuse the
situation. The better *defensive* weapon is the S&W.
Please, Snipper. Stop with the absurdities.
GOP Credo: Just pretend it's all ok.