Better *Defensive* Handgun
Harry Krause wrote:
Why do you think an auto is more dangerous?
Far more likely to fire an unintended round while aimed at the perp.
Both guns can kill, the double action is the safer gun in the hands of a
nervous owner...for obvious reasons. There must be the threat of bodily
harm *before* pulling the trigger.
The rule is, keep your finger off the trigger unless and until you plan
on firing a gun. If you follow that rule, you will not be firing off an
"unintended" round. Period.
I'd bet most folks would *not* remember to hold their finger off the
trigger if surprised by a sudden breakin. That finger *will* be on the
If some clown breaks into my house at night, he's likely going to get
shot with a 12-gauge. Period. The local sheriff and prosecutor have both
told me personally that they would NOT prosecute a resident who shoots a
perp breaking into their home.
And you will most likely end up jailed, as you should be.
Your depending on a stupid laser light is going to get you killed. With
any luck at all.
I'm not "depending" on the laser. It's a persuader only. Tests have
shown it to be very effective in defusing bad situations until proper
authorities arrive.