Thread: OT posting
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Default OT posting

(LaBomba182) wrote in message ...
Subject: OT posting

Those of us who are really


Look another OT whinner.

I wonder how long it will take Sterling to add an OT post to this OT thread?

Subject: OT posting

(Florida Keyz)
Date: 3/12/04 8:36 PM Eastern Standard Time


Why do these O.T. (you don't have to call them a name , the O.t. s says it

go to such an effort to hide behind their Fake email names just trying to ****
people off.

What a bunch of cowards! Not guts, no glory. Chicken Sh*ts!!!


Wow, not long at all. :-)

Capt. Bill

Although I disagree with ppl who defend OT posting, I am willing to
compromise. If they preface ALL their OT post titles with "OT", then
the rest of us can sort them out. If they do not do this, then
logically, everybody else must consider them to either be dishonest or
not smart enough to understand the concept of a ng.