Better *Defensive* Handgun
Skipper wrote:
Doug Kanter wrote:
Any auto is inherently dangerous for the occasional user *particularly*
in a stressful situation. The double action is much safer. Further, the
persuasive nature of the laser cannot be underestimated to defuse the
situation. The better *defensive* weapon is the S&W.
Why do you think an auto is more dangerous?
Far more likely to fire an unintended round while aimed at the perp.
Both guns can kill, the double action is the safer gun in the hands of a
nervous owner...for obvious reasons. There must be the threat of bodily
harm *before* pulling the trigger.
You probably meant to say "Double action only" and they are safer but
too slow for home defense. How much time do you think you have to react
to a threat? If you have enough time, you avoid it and call the cops.