Eyewitness: "I Never Heard the Word 'Bomb'"
"Lord Reginald Smithers" Ask me about my driveway leading up to my manor.
wrote in message . ..
I am not Catholic, but I thought Christmas Mass was like a Jewish Temple
for the High Holidays. You had so many people showing up that they had
trouble sitting all of the people who wanted to attend. Many temples will
provide tickets to the active members of the temple. Do they ever limit
attendance to at the Church to active Catholics? Or do they allow the
dregs of society in?
Christmas and Easter Masses have the highest attendance with Easter being
the higher of the two. You need to get there at least 30 minutes before the
start and 45 minutes to an hour early is best. It is a first come gets the
best seat.
I have heard that the Jewish Temples will reserve, for a fee, a seat for
those that regularly attend services and for those the have a very fat check
book, this is according to my next door neighbor who is Jewish.
I am just wondering how Harry is allowed to attend Christmas Mass. A non
Catholic, who is not even a Christian. Does this mean an active, devote
Catholic will have to stand up in the back of Church so Harry can attend
Everyone is welcome, even Harry. The Catholic are in the business of saving
souls and contrary to popular belief Harry has a soul and it is worth trying
to save. There will be many people standing in the back due to them just
being habitually late so Harry shouldn't feel guilty about taking some poor
old grandmother's seat away from her.
"John H." wrote in message
On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 14:21:55 -0500, Harry Krause
John H. wrote:
Tell us about the solemn high mass you bragged about earlier. Is it an
'off limits' subject now that
you've opened your mouth?
John H
What is there about a Christmas evening mass you don't understand?
Same to you.
Wishing you Peace, Fellowship, and Good Humor as we celebrate the birth
of OUR Lord, Jesus Christ on the Christmas Holy Day
Who is this "we" to whom you keep referring?
What I don't understand is why you would attend a service of a 'stinking'
(in your words) religion?
Are you going by yourself to do some research so you can come back and
make attacks on the Catholic
Church? Or, are you going with some friends who may have invited you to a
celebration mass? If the
latter, I hope you're honest enough to tell them what you *really* think!
John H
Wishing you Peace, Fellowship, and Good Humor as we celebrate the birth
of OUR Lord, Jesus Christ on the Christmas Holy Day.