Eyewitness: "I Never Heard the Word 'Bomb'"
You have to give kevin a break, he is easliy confused, just like harry
confusing his bath tub toy for a 36 ft lobsta boat.
"Lord Reginald Smithers" Ask me about my driveway leading up to my manor.
wrote in message . ..
Don't forget the multiple universities for the same undergraduate degree.
I think everything Kevin learned about UseNet he learned from Harry.
"P Fritz" wrote in message
wrote in message
Incidentally, the same mutants are hired by schools. At night, when
there, they come and adjust the water fountains so the stream is so
you have to touch the metal in order to get water. The goal is to
much disease as possible. If these mutants turn out to be incompetent
this task, they're demoted and become school bus drivers.
And then the ultimate graduation...
They claim to have owned exotic Italian motorcycles that never were
made, attend, and hear great concerts that never happened...
You forgot "claim degrees earned that were never offered by the