Eyewitness: "I Never Heard the Word 'Bomb'"
On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 20:41:25 -0500, "Jim Carter" wrote:
"John H." wrote in message
.. .
Wishing you Peace, Fellowship, and Good Humor as we celebrate the birth of
OUR Lord, Jesus Christ on the Christmas Holy Day.
John, could you quote the chapter and verse in your bible that says Jesus
Christ was born in December?
Jim C.
Can you quote the chapter in your history book that says Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on the
third Monday in January?
No, I probably could not find December 25th mentioned anywhere in the Bible. I won't even look.
So what?
John H
Wishing you Peace, Fellowship, and Good Humor as we celebrate the birth of OUR Lord, Jesus Christ on the Christmas Holy Day.