"Jeff" wrote in message

Bryan wrote:
I'm familiar with other anchoring techniques and have practiced them, but
have never been in a setting requiring their execution. One of my
anchorages, swing is not an issue, the other, bow and stern is the
I sailed for many years before I started double anchoring. For some
reason, I thought it was overly complicated. Then I cruised in the
company of an old friend who saw me dragging a bit in soft mud. He yelled
over, "just power over there and throw out your Danforth - you'll sleep a
lot better." Ever since then I've kept a Fortress on deck to use whenever
I thought I might worry at 2AM.
I might try the 2 off the bow next time I overnight at Isla Coronado. I
don't need to; it's an uncrowded anchorage with plenty of swing room and no
current or wind shift concerns. However, it is a 30 foot depth so I am
maxed out on scope. Maybe I'll sleep better with 2 anchors down.