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Lord Reginald Smithers
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Default Eyewitness: "I Never Heard the Word 'Bomb'"


Yes there are some people who believe the Bible is a historical book and
the Natural history as presented in the bible is accurate, but they are a
very tiny minority of those who profess to be Christians. My understanding
is that most Christians also are very understanding and compassionate
towards non Christians.

I also have found the Buddhist, Muslims and Jews who are very understanding
of non believers, and I have found many of them who look down on all non
believers. Religion has many great things to offer society and mankind, it
can also be *******ized to be very detrimental to all. I find most
Christians to be a positive force for good. I do not include TV evangelist
in this category.

"Jim Carter" wrote in message

"John H." wrote in message
Now let's see how many folks here disparage the teachings of Buddha, or

the Dali Lama. I'll bet
What, pray tell, does your disparaging of the bible do for you? I can

understand Harry doing so,
because he's simply hoping to **** someone off (it's part of NPD). But,

why you?
You've stated you're not a Christian. Do you have *any* religious

or are you atheist?
John H

I was just trying to point out to some people here that the bible
to my way of thinking, a lot of things that are totally unbelievable and
most Christians take it as truth, word for word.
Yes, I am an atheist. If there really was a god, there would be no

Jim C.