Best Handheld VHF?
"-rick-" wrote in message
. ..
"Shortwave Sportfishing" wrote...
"-rick-" wrote:
Um... I thought by measuring the change in time or carrier
associated with a reflection, certainly not by measuring attenuation
with wind.
That's a good point, but it has to bounce off something. If the air
is denser because of changes in the wind - changes in air density,
Right, it has to hit enough of an impedance change to reflect some energy.
I'm skeptical that the pressure gradient of wind is adequate in itself.
It does happen. You just have to pay attention and listen for it.
No references?
I can't find one, I'll be honest with you. I know I've seen one - I
just cant' seem to Google it up.
I do know I tried to interest some people in this a long time ago, but
was pretty much laughed at - I'm big enough to admit it. :)
I promise - I'll find that reference today and get back to you.
No rush, but if you happen across anything I'd be interested. I was
curious about the mechanism and magnitude of effect. I'll try the IEEE
There should be enough dust in any wind to get the doppler effect.