Frank Boettcher wrote:
Not in my home sailing area it won't. It will go real fast between
the sand bars it will fetch up on. And if I want to anchor at the
Horn Island horseshoe or Smugglers Cove on Cat Island I'll have to
stay about two miles offshore.
And a performance boat like this is unlikely to offer a real
shoal-draft option. Oh well.
You could get something more like this
In fact, this kind of foil set-up looks great to me. The
bulb puts the weight down the lowest without the
complications of a wing, and the ability to crank it up for
anchoring or even beaching. The downsides are maintenance to
the lifting gear, loss of interior volume to the trunk.
"Capt" Rob wrote:
Yup. Looks to draw 7+.
Hey dumb bell, did it occur to you that they might publish
the specs of the boat? You can see what the draft actually
is, as opposed to what it "looks to draw."
Bubbles, you're nuts.