Sun Compass Skills
Harry Krause wrote:
Skipper wrote:
Here's the situation: You're 100 miles offshore and bailing to the
liferaft. You've become disoriented and have lost your bearings. You
reach for the GPS-12 and find it's DOA. Among your options is the sun
compass. Do you know how to make and use one?
Why would such a situation be of any concern or interest to a drygulched
wannabe sal****er boat like you, stuck forever in Derby, Kansas?
You could spin yourself dizzy and you'd still be within spitting
distance of Wichita.
BTRW, whatever happened to your oft-announced plan to leave Derby, move
to the coast, buy a long-distance trawler, and ply the oceans?
Lotto ticket didn't pay off?
He's gotta keep those dreams alive. When they're gone...what's left?