OT--Even the liberal NY Times sees the writing on the wall
"Peter Pan" wrote in message
"NOYB" wrote in message
New York Times/CBS News poll
Speaking With Integrity
Most of the time, Bush says what he:
Believes 51%
Thinks people want to hear 45%
Most of the time, Kerry says what he:
Believes 33%
Thinks people want to hear 57%
And Kerry plans on running on the issue of Bush's lack credibility and
Oh, the effrontery!
Sad part is, the conception of "Lying Politicians" is sort of proven on
sides by that.
Not really. If you look at the statistics of this country's party
affiliation, about half are Dems and half are Republicans. So it stands to
reason that each candidate should receive about a 50-50 split when people
are polled about each candidate's integrity...which is precisely what
happened with Bush.
However, when Kerry receives only a 33% vote of confidence about his
integrity, it speaks volumes about the futile task facing him as he tries to
lay out the case that he's more honest than Bush.
The Dems spent the past 7 months launching an all-out assault on Bush's
credibility...and he still manages to garner a vote on his integrity of 51%.
Meanwhile, Bush's team has spent only about 2 weeks discrediting Kerry...and
Kerry has fallen to 33% already.
Not only will Bush win, but he'll win by a margin at least as big as
Clinton's victory over Dole.