Battery Removal
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Terry Spragg
Posts: n/a
Battery Removal
I'm getting ready to remove 4 8D batteries. They are in the forward
part of an engine room, below deck level. I don't have much room to
maneuver. Does anyone know of a small hoist frame or have any
suggestions for a removal method that doesn't involve back surgery.
Can you hang the boomvang or some other tackle from the boom at some
convenient location to lift most of the weight of the batteries?
Could you use the mainsheet to swing the battery outboard to the
dinghy or dock?
Oh, er, you do have a sailboat?
Else, jury rig a spar with one end jammed somewhere, topping lift, a
couple of guys, and a block and tackle? Perhaps a sailor berthmate
will lend you a spinnaker pole and some lines. Sailors love that stuff.
Terry K
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