Jonathan Ganz wrote:
In article DdXpf.156459$Gd6.114170@pd7tw3no,
Gary wrote:
Bob Crantz wrote:
Bravo Canada!
It's bull****. You can't buy guns quickly in Canada, particularily
handguns. Look at the source. Don't believe everything you read online.
Filtering the BS for you.
Interesting, but they do have the same approximate per capita
ownership, and, a much less violent society per capita.
I question the "per capita gun ownership" claim. I know it says that on
many questionable websites but having lived in both coutries I would
argue. I know no one in right now (in Canada) who owns a handgun and
several folks who own long guns. While in Colorado for 3 years most
Americans I met had a handgun in their home. They also frequently owned
many long guns.
My experience would lend me to believe that the statistic is not correct.