Usage of motoroil
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Usage of motoroil
(Steven Shelikoff) wrote in message
Karate also teaches not to be bullied by pencil necks such as
yourself. It goes way back in evolution, and in Karate is called
Wrong. Karate does not teach threatening people who have not threatened
you first in any way, as you have done.
Parnong. It means, simply, to not appear weak, or the prey will be
there in droves to overtake you. Now, would you like to REALLY see who
knows more about Karate discipline? Calmness, by the way, is NOT a
Wrong. Calmness is a factor.
Wrong? Parnong is WRONG??
Please provide references to your above claims. You don't have a clue
what you are talking about. What belt level do you hold? Where have
you trained? What is your schools lineage?
factor. Speed, Power, and Intensity IS. Etiquette is too weak of a
word, it is more like tradition.
Wrong. Karate is full of etiquette, including respecting your opponent.
Pure drivel. Karate is full of TRADITION, as I've stated. Karate is a
self defense martial arts. Do you think that, in a DEFENSE posture,
that someone trained in Karate would succumb to "etiquette"? NO! You
do anything and everything to first, avoid the situation, second, make
it go away. NOTHING is out of the question, including breaking bones,
kicks to the groin, finger strike to the eyes, web hand to the throat,
elbow to the neck, NOTHING.
In all, you are amazingingly childish. Here you are, actually trying
to act like you KNOW Karate, just because I mentioned it! Let's
How much training in Karate have you had?
Your belt rank?
Years of training?
Years of study (reading, etc.)
Which Karate system are you an expert in?
If you knew anything about Karate, you would know it teaches you not to
brag about things like belt rank and years of training.
If you aren't supposed to "brag" about your belt rank, why do you
visibly wear the belt of your ranking?
I'm not asking you to brag. I'm asking you how much training you have?
Belt rank?
The lineage of your school. That wouldn't be bragging. All schools
state their lineage.
Which school do you train at? That wouldn't be bragging, to tell whats
school you train at.
If you WERE trained in Karate, one of the first things you would NOT
do, is act like you are an expert on any subject that somebody
Now we KNOW for sure you are obviously NOT trained in Karate, as you
have boasted, by your own standards. Because you try to act like an
expert on any subject that somebody mentions even though it's painfully
obvious you are not.
Now, let's compare our Karate training, okay? I'm not bragging, I'm
simply telling you that you've not a CLUE what you are talking about.
Kenpo (fist law)
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