In article ,
Larry wrote:
Wayne.B wrote in
Absolutely right. If anyone really wants to hack around with this
stuff I have a couple of Northstar LORAN-C units sitting around
without antennas or couplers. They were first class units in their
day and have SO-239 coax connectors on the back.
I have someone Christmas gift, too. I have a perfectly good-working
Stephens Engineering SEA-106 HF synthesized SSB Marine transceiver with
microphone and NO CABLES OR COUPLER in first class condition I'll give to
the first person who shows up to pick it up. If you have a SEA-106, or
know someone who has one, this one hasn't a scratch. It was at the main
helm of a motoryacht, inside in the air conditioning, all those years.
It's owner said it had been removed when they restored the helm's
woodwork and made a new panel for new gear. Someone threw out all the
cables and coupler which was dumped in another box away from the
transceiver. Sorry.... He said it was working when uninstalled, but he
wanted a marine radio that would work with his new ham license more
The power plug is marked with + and - and "ON" terminals, which I assume
is a remote power switch to just jumper out. I have no book, no cables,
as it was handed to me after installing a new Icom M802 on the boat. I
never turn down free stuff, even if I have no clue....
Of course, it comes with a full money-back guarantee....(c;
Munge up your email address and post it in reply if you want it....PICKUP
ONLY in Charleston, SC.
Larry, I can supply a complete Manual for that SEA-106, if someone wants
to photocopy my Shop Manual. These are a bit dated and you have to check
the Prom Version to make sure it has the latest Frequency Lineup, as
the FCC/ITU did change the channel configurations for MF/HF Marine
Systems back in that day.... I also have complete Master Prom Sets for
ALL the SEA Radio's that have the later FCC/ITU Frequnecy Lineups.
Does your Radio have the two Frequency dials on the front panel, or is
it the Prom only version.
Bruce in alaska
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