Garmin to Uniden
"Chuck Tribolet" wrote in message
First, make sure the GPS COM1 is in NMEA mode. Garmin, IIRC, ships their
units in Garmin
Now the wiring:
GPS Blue (NMEA out+) to VHF white (NMEA in +)
GPS Brown (NMEA in +) to VHF green (NMEA out +)
Ground to VHF Yellow (NMEA in -)
Ground to VHF Orange (NMEA out -)
"William Andersen" wrote in message
Has anyone wired a Garmin 198C to a Uniden M525?
There are four NMEA wires on each and I have yet to make the right
connections; I do have the wiring diagrams for each item.
The Garmin should send time and position info to the Uniden, and the
Uniden should send received DSC info to the Garmin.
I get this question about once a week with Garmin. Garmin default mode for
COM1 is the proprietary Garmin mode. It has to be menu selected to be NMEA.
Doug K7ABX