Garmin to Uniden
I did set the Garmin for NMEA. But not initially. It wasn't until I got home
and remembered that my other Garmin's have to be changed from Garmin to NMEA
depending on what I'm doing with them.
(They are handhelds, and I download my tracks to my PC.)
"Chuck Tribolet" wrote in message
First, make sure the GPS COM1 is in NMEA mode. Garmin, IIRC, ships their
units in Garmin
Now the wiring:
GPS Blue (NMEA out+) to VHF white (NMEA in +)
GPS Brown (NMEA in +) to VHF green (NMEA out +)
Ground to VHF Yellow (NMEA in -)
Ground to VHF Orange (NMEA out -)
"William Andersen" wrote in message
Has anyone wired a Garmin 198C to a Uniden M525?
There are four NMEA wires on each and I have yet to make the right
connections; I do have the wiring diagrams for each item.
The Garmin should send time and position info to the Uniden, and the
Uniden should send received DSC info to the Garmin.