Y'all have fun...
Once upon a time I broke my right wrist (colle (sp?) fracture) and had a
cast for several weeks. My work at the time involved a lot of writing and
the boss cut me only a little slack. So, by neccesity I learned to do an
acceptable job of typing using only the left hand. I continue to overuse
the left hand when typing. Just seems natural to me. Does that make me a
left winger. :=)
"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Shortwave Sportfishing wrote:
Gonna spend the next three months with my arm in a sling and no way to
Damn rotator cuffs. :)
Take care and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
PS: Don't forget to take your yearly bath Karen.
Sheesh. Is this a "condition," or were you playing ice hockey again?