Ideal size boat
I'd love to have a bigger boat, but...... I'll need a bigger income to go
with it. I downsized from a 24 SeaRay Sundancer to a 16 Whaler and am very
happy with the change. The Whaler is on a trailer in my back yard. I can
launch and retrieve it by myself under some pretty foul conditions. It
burns so little fuel with a 115 FICHT that it's hardly noticable. It's a
great little fishing boat and with the bimini mounted it makes a nice little
cruiser for the wife and I and another couple if we wish. I can wash and
wax the hull in a couple of hours.
Would I like a larger boat? Absolutely. I'd like to live aboard for a few
weeks at a stretch. I'd like something around 50 feet or less that will not
require a crew. But then comes slip rent, maintenance, etc. Doubt that I'd
do it even if I had the income to support it. If I did, I'd keep the
Whaler anyway just for the fun it provides.
wrote in message
We all occasionally wish for a larger boat but would we really buy one
if we were able? I have decided "No", my 28' S2 is ideal for me. A
larger boat would have more to go wrong and require more expense. My
28 is ideal for me as she is large enough to do a lot of things but
small enough for me to easily single-hand which I do a lot. The older
I get, the happier I am to not have a larger boat. This past 6 months
is the first time I have ever had her in a marina ( I kept her at pvt
docks for years) and I have noticed what I have heard about for years,
"A boats use is inversely proportional to her length". Do others here
have a simialr experience of realizing they do not want a bigger boat?