Thread: Ideal size boat
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Default Ideal size boat

Yeah, shutter lag was a big issue, and part of what I lump into my
catch-all that I call responsiveness. In addition to shutter lag, I
missed a direct mechanical zoom ring on the lens with the point and
shoot and I never liked the rangefinder viewing mechanism for
composition, or using the LCD preview for composition for that matter.
All these things I refer to as the responsiveness of the camera, and
the point and shoots just don't get it done for me like an SLR body
does. The only annoyance I've discovered with a DSLR over a point and
shoot is the ever present issue of crud on the sensor. It took a
while, but I've finally gotten fairly competent at cleaning the sensor.
It was never an issue with 35mm film cameras or the point and shoots,
and I was taken by surprise at how much of an issue it is with DSLR's.
Have you found it to be much of an issue?