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Capt. Rob
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Default Is that rust stains?

The clown who did it used to many..... and saddled a dead horse.

Bad's just the angle. I have the same pully system shown on
the Jap boat...yup, you screwed the pooch...but MAYBE the driver
retrofitted the original setup while he was at a rest stop along the

And where are the rust stains? She was in the water the whole time I
was in FL and I watched her get loaded up. Did the driver also spray
the stains on the way??? He's some nice guy!

Also notice that the bilge pump is kicking on on the Radio boat?

Oh noooo, Mister Bill!!!!! You think that's the bilge pump??? Couldn't
be the engine or AC pumpouts, BOTH mounted aft and starboard, now COULD

Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! The sad part is I can fin REAL problems in
some of the pics and you clownettes can't find ANY!

RB clearly the best boat!