Any thoughts onhow to make this boat better
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Dave Doe
Posts: n/a
Any thoughts onhow to make this boat better
In article .com,
I have been getting interested in building this boat:
Of course, I have to finish the Tolman Skiff first, but a trailerable
water ballast sailboat that I can build to my needs is attractive to me
but I have some concerns
1. Do water ballasted boats tend to be exceptionally "tippy" before
they are filled?
2. Could this be alleviated by including a few hundred lbs of lead
sheeting along the bottom?
Any other useful thoughts? Yes, I know you do not save money by
building boats but its become an obsession.
I have a couple a questions...
1. How much water ballast (approx litres) does it take to equal say
200lbs of lead hanging 6' down (on say a swing keel)?
2. How much righting moment does a water ballasted boat provide given
the ballast is below the waterline?
And a cheeky Q3? - How much does water weigh - in water?
[Farr 7500 'Hi-Time']