Any thoughts onhow to make this boat better
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Dave Doe
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Any thoughts onhow to make this boat better
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Scotty wrote:
"Dave Doe" wrote in
Indeed the water ballasting *only* has positive righting moment if
the boat is pushed over to where the centerline is above the
waterline (a fair way!).
Bzzzzzzt! You are wrong Dave.
Agreed - the boat will start to acquire righting moment as soon as any of
the water ballast is higher than the surface - and there won't be very much
righting moment if only a little of the ballast is above the surface,
improving as the boat heels. IOW, the amount of righting moment varies,
depending on the amount of heel and just how the ballast is arranged within
the hull.
Yer just getting pedantic - yer know what I mean/meant.
(Yes, if *any* water in the ballast is above the waterline, it will
provide righting moment - pedantic chit aside - if this *ISN'T* the
case, is there any righting moment?)
[Farr 7500 'Hi-Time']