Any thoughts onhow to make this boat better
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Dave Doe
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Any thoughts onhow to make this boat better
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OK, Duncan. here's a little experiment you can do in your
1. Put an empty Coke bottle in the water. Observe how it floats.
2. Fill the Coke bottle 1/4 with water. Observe how it floats.
3. Fill the bottle 1/2 way. Observe how it floats
4. Fill it 3/4 full. Observe how it floats
5. Is the water in the coke bottle below the tub water surface?
6. Wash your butt last.
a) What is the *point* of your experiement? - other than to only prove
my argument correct.
b) try this (your experiment pretty much, say 4) ...
So 3/4 full. Hold the bottle at the top and note the weight. Slowly
lower it into the water. Note the weight changing! ??? How can it be
getting lighter all by itself?
Note also the final level in the water. There is almost no difference
in the level of the water in the bottle and the level to which it has
sunk. (The difference being a result of the boyancy of the plastic).
ie, Ans to your Q5. the level of the water in the bottle is very
slightly higher than the water it is in.
PS: experiment not conducted, just using simple physics. Feel free to
do it and get back to me if I'm wrong.
[Farr 7500 'Hi-Time']