Any thoughts onhow to make this boat better
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Dave Doe
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Any thoughts onhow to make this boat better
In article %2Gwf.47038$km.7540@edtnps89,
Whoa Davey
Here's a better idea.... jump in the water and see how much water you
displace. If you displace a lot I suspect... you should still float
well enough to undertake the test due to the residue of hot air.
Now drink a quarter bottle of Lamb's Navy Overproof Rum and see where you
float... continue drinking and take readings at every quarter mark of the
Get Back to Us on Water Ballast.... we'll inform the multi national sailing
franchises of your position that they're delusional and water ballast is
I'm certain someone would be willing to write a "definitive book" regarding
your findings.
LOL - I *love* the idea - mind if I make that a nice single malt scotch
PS: the book was written many years ago now, some dude called Archimedes
IIRC - shame he's not still alive for Scotty to prove him wrong.