It's Wrong!!!
It's wrong to bash other people's boats.
It's wrong to bash other people's income and related lifestyles.
It's wrong to bash other people's abilities or lack thereof.
It's wrong to bash other people's wives or mates.
It's wrong to bash other people just because they did it to you.
That all said, it's important to remember that Scotty has a junk yard
embarrasment of a boat, lives on a trailer park income, resides in a
shack in a low rent classless area, and is married to a woman who looks
like Ed Begely Jr. with a wig.
But because he has class he won't respond to this thread since it's
only a gradeschool mentality that feels the need to do so.
(Apologies to Ed Begely Jr, who is a fine actor, drives an electric car
and would never be seen with anyone like Scotty or the pet that may be
his wife.)