So why do people buy cruising catamarans if monohulls in
the same price range are just as spacious and can go just
as fast ?
I don't agree with the "just as fast" reason. My cruising
cat, a 40' fairly light boat but no racer, has often hit 11
knots in 20 knots of wind. Top speed so far on a beam reach
in 25 knots of wind is 15.4 knots for a sustained burst.
We're regularly sailing at 9-10 knots in 18 knots. We pray
for windy days 
http://www.kp44.org/ftp/KP44Polars.pdf is a link to a Kelly
Peterson 44 VPP. Note that wind is APPARENT WIND, not true
wind angle.
In 16 knots of wind she is predicted to sail at about 7.5
knots pointing at about 35+ apparent (hard to read the
graph), or about 45+ true.
The PDQ 44 is predicted to sail at 7.8 knots at the same
wind strength, same wind angle.
On a beam reach in 12 knots, the KP44 is predicted to do 7.7
knots. The PDQ 44 is predicted to go 9.5 knots both
switched to a spinnaker at that point.
1. Shallower draft
2. They can be parked on the beach
Not often done cause it scrapes off the bottom paint and
you're stuck there for a tidal cycle. But useful for
painting the bottom or doing maintenance.
3. They don't sink as easily
Very true
4. They don't roll like monohulls
Not only do they not roll, I find the motion at sea a lot
more comfortable because of the reduced motion. My wife
left a drink on a fwd. crossbeam for 1/2 hour and it was
still there when she returned. Beating upwind into 25 knots
3-4' seas, going 7-8 knots, a glass of orange juice spilled.
This was cause for great alarm since nothing like that had
ever happened on the boat
And at anchor of course they just sit there.
5. ???
A ton more deck and interior volume. Smaller rigs as Jeff
I don't think moorage while cruising is as much of a problem
as most people think. Generally we anchor everywhere, but
end ties are usually available for the same price. Not
everywhere, but they are available.
Evan Gatehouse