joke of the day...
DSK wrote:
Doug Kanter wrote:
Another one that works is asking them what they're wearing. You have
to sort of fine tune it, based on whether it's a man or a woman. Ask
if they're wearing latex, and where the holes are. :-)
It has taken me many years to unlearn habits of being polite on the
phone to telemarketers. But there are two good ways to seriously
discourage them: one is to talk to them endlessly and never give them
any money. Tell tham about your boat, your garden, your new hat,
encourage them to talk about their grandkids or whatever. Thanks to
modern technology & headphones, this can go on for hours while you are
working on your boat. In fact if they seem at all handy, you can ask
their advice on the task in hand.
The other way is to put on a Jeffrey Dahmer tone and tell them about how
you are lonely and don't have any friends and you are *so* glad they
called, now you finally can talk to somebody. Ask them "Will *YOU* be my
friend?" They always hang up.
I can tell you are enjoying your "retirement". I always just ask for
their telephone number. Since I am on the Do Not Call Registry, they
always hang up or just tell me they will make sure they eliminate me
from their list.
I very rarely get telemarketing calls anymore.
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