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Calif Bill
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Default Hey Chuck, I heard it has......................

"thunder" wrote in message
On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 01:01:01 -0800, chuckgould.chuck wrote:

On topic slant: If the stories about Noah, Gilgamesh, etc etc etc etc are
either true or remotely close to true, then it looks like a whole lot of
mankind is directly descended from.........Boaters! :-)

I'm sure you have heard there is some speculation that the Black Sea
Deluge was "the flood".

Could be, but was most likely a tsunami. There are stories in South
American ancient history about a flood. And If there was a large meteorite
hitting the sea, the water could flow over every thing as well as a wobble
of the earths spin from a large impact, causing the seas to flow over the
land. Is one of the suppositions for the reasons we find Woolly Mammoths
flash frozen. Food in the stomach not digested. As well as the coal fields
of Kentucky / VA are all pretty much at the same elevation and took large
piles of organic material to make the coal seams.