Mark, I have had good experience with Chesapeake Light Craft, Inc., of
Annapolis, MD.
Their kits cover a wide range of uses and are complete in every
I looked at your URL cited... anyone claiming to get $5K for the vessel
shown in the picture is smoking rope.
If you decide to use "Stitch'n'Glue" techniques, I offer these
experience-based ideas;
Don't "Stitch" - use a good brand of duct tape to hold the seams and
straps around the hull form. Epoxy at wide intervals to hold position,
then fillet with thickened stuff. Inserting copper stitching is very
time-consuming; removal leaves hull marks.
The biggest spring paper clips (I use those black springs with silvery
steel openers that measure about 2 inches in length) make good clamps
for smaller glue joints.
Don't use the paint products recommended in CLC manuals. The undercoat
is too chalky and the paint is very tender, easily peeled. I'm going to
repaint with concrete floor two-part epoxy after a good sand-dwon and
reapplied undercoat from auto paint store.
I built a West River 16' kayak (open cockpit for flyfishing and
photography) from a CLC kit. Almost more fun building it than paddling
it. Weighs 54 pounds ( I over-engineer everything! ). My next attempt
will target about 45 lbs for the same boat.
Bon chance,